Two recipients received Civic Medals awards in 2023.

Paul Cunningham (left)
The outgoing Town Mayor Councillor Steven Chadwick presented the first of this year’s Civic Medals to Paul Cunningham at the meeting of the Town Council in April in recognition of his long service of 40 years to the scouting movement in Horwich. Several generations of children in Horwich have benefitted from Paul’s time and effort volunteering with cubs and scouts at St Mary’s, St Elizabeth’s and Lord Street and this is a big thank you from all of them and the community of Horwich.
Pete Schofield (right)
Peter was presented with the second of this year’s civic medals by the new Town Mayor of Horwich Councillor David Grant. Peter received the award in recognition of his contribution over many years to Horwich RMI Harriers and Horwich RMI.
Pete joined Horwich Harriers in 1955 as a keen and talented runner who competed in many events and wore the Harriers vest with pride. In 1983 Pete organised a team of 10 runners who ran a relay race to 10 Downing Street (208 miles in 16 hours) to present a petition signed by thousands against the proposed closure of Horwich Loco Works. Pete continued to represent Horwich RMI Harriers and took over as Secretary. It was his idea to rename the 2021 Pike Race in memory of Ron Hill, a good friend and an outstanding athlete, Olympian and world record holder who sadly passed away the same year. Pete invited past winners to take part and Ron’s widow May was delighted to start the race which included veterans who had competed in previous races.
In 2015 Pete became involved with an organisation providing aid to small villages in Romania close to the Ukraine border. Pet e Schofield has, and continues to be an inspiration and a good friend to many.