Two recipients received awards in 2001

Olive Hart (left)
Honoured by the Town Council for long service to the arts, she has been Chairperson of the Horwich RMI & District Amateur Operatic & Dramatic Society since 1995.
In recognition of 25 years outstanding service, the Society awarded her their Silver Medal in 1972. The Company even did their own production of “This is Your Life” based on Olive’s many achievements.
Another high point was in 1975 when she was introduced to H.R.H. Princess Anne when she opened Horwich Leisure Centre during a rehearsal for the company’s production of The Merry Widow.
Olive celebrated 50 years involvement with amateur operatic productions in 1997 when she was back on stage to take part in her favourite show “Fiddler on the Roof”.
John Smith (right)
A local historian of considerable statute, John Smith was honoured for his invaluable contribution to the preservation of Horwich’s rich and varied past.
His knowledge of our local industries and families is extensive and it has proved to be invaluable to the town.
John has been a source of information for several books about Horwich and District, and has been a major contributer for a number of publications by our historical society `Horwich Heritage’.
These have included works about Wilderswood, Bottom O’th Moor and the Ridgway family. He is the proud owner of a vast archive of local photographs, slides, artefacts and documents.
Many organisations have received his services as a guide and lecturer and he has taken classes on local history.